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Site Marketing

Website marketing is a key element to success online. Various combinations of marketing are available so what combination is best suited to your needs is the question...

Let's step through marketing considerations:

Search Engine Registration is necessary for adding your site to search-engine databases. You want your site to come up on the list when someone performs a search. We register your Website with 10 or more of the top search-engines.

Proper Content incorporated within your Website improves search-engine placement; gets you closer to the top of the search-results list. This increases your traffic (visitors) giving your site greater exposure. We fine-tune the content and "hidden content" of your Website to improve search-engine standings.

Online Advertising can bring many customers to your Website. Online advertising can range from key-placement Banner Ads to advertising on sites targeting your industry. If, working together, we determine that online advertising would be advantageous to your enterprise we can then design and/or customize key-placement advertising content for the Internet. We do this while working within budget estimates.

Other Marketing Media such as Television, magazines, flyers etc. can work well depending on your specific needs and budget. We will connect you with prime offline marketing sources and make recommendations balancing investment and return. Offline marketing can be very beneficial if used prudently.

Cooperative Advertising Opportunities are out there. Get connected with other business' online offering complimentary services and form alliances. We connect you with those business' and build it right into your Website or keep the alliance at arms length... the choice is yours.

BCHOST.NET offers any combination of these services on a pre-quoted basis. Contact Marketing for more information on combinations that will work for you.

Please note: Of the above-mentioned marketing services not all are included with our Site Design Bundles. Search Engine Registration and Proper Content are included.

In Closing:

Our clients are important so contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Use the links below or at the top-left of this page for more information.

We look forward to doing business with you.

 Site Marketing: Information or Requests


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